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Rachel Kaufer's memory

- Written by Rachel Kaufer

A couple months ago, on August 10th to be exact, me and my friend went on a walk out to Winnemucca in an attempt to ease our hangover. On the way out there, we happened to run into a very handsome man with his adorable son. I gave Mitch a big hug when I saw him, and had what would be my last conversation with him. Mitch had taken Mason on a one night camping excursion to Winnemucca, and told us the details. Mason was hanging off of Mitch's leg, and kept looking up at him and smiling. My heart melted to see this little human being capable of showing so much love purely by a look in his eyes. Mitch said he and Mason had had a great time ... minus the fact that he had forgotten the tent. Me and my friend winced in sympathy as the afternoon breeze bit our skin, only imagining how cold the night must have been. Mitch shook his head and laughed. He said it turned out to be pretty cool because he and Mason got to sleep under the stars. It is funny what conversations with people you remember. I couldn't tell you what my professor said during last week's lecture, but for some reason I remember me and Mitch's conversation like I am watching a video. I suppose it is so clear for a reason.

We chuckled at Mason playing in the dirt and making funny noises. Mitch said that this hike would end up taking all day due to Mason's curiosity over every blade of grass. We concluded that we were actually envious of this curiosity ... how wonderful to be entertained by so little.

I told Mitch that soon enough Mason would be chasing him around on skis, and maybe after many many years would have a chance of beating his old man down the slopes. I told him that there is no tracks that I love to follow more than my dad's. I will have Mitch's beautiful smile imprinted in my brain as he said "I can't wait for that day Mason says that."

We chit-chatted for a couple more minutes, and then said our goodbyes. As soon as we were out of hearing range I told my friend that Mitch is exactly the type of person I hope to someday get lucky enough to meet and marry.

I can't wait to ski with Mason and Cedar, and see glimpses of their father in their smiles and eyes. I will most likely be watching them fly down the hill in front of me. I know without a doubt in my soul that Mitch will be watching those boys and of course Sarah. Maybe Mitch will get some pull on how many powder days we get a year.

I am absolutely grateful that I had the pleasure of knowing Mitch, and I am absolutely heartbroken that I don't get more days of seeing him.

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